東吳國際超級馬拉松(Soochow International Ultra-marathon)是台灣最早出現的超級馬拉松比賽,於1999年首度辦理,由東吳大學資訊管理學系教師郭豐州引進,起先是借用學校場地辦理。
Soochow International Ultra-marathon is the very first ultra-marathon race in Taiwan. It's introduced by Mr. Guo Fengzhou, lecturer of Department of Computer Science and Information Management of Soochow University, and was held in 1999 for the first time at borrowed venue in campus.
Since 2001, the race is organized by Soochow University and held at the athletic field of Soochow University in March every year. In 2006, due to IAU World Championships and the renovation of athletic field in campus, the race was stopped for one year. It's resumed in 2007 and rescheduled to the end of the year till now.
This race has accumulated many achievements over the years. Such as Miss Mami Kudo broke the world record twice in 2009 and 2011. Also it reached the Gold medal tournament standard of IAU (International Association of Ultrarunners) twice in 2012 and 2014. *Standard of Gold medal tournament is 5 runners' records are above 240km(men) and 220km(women).